Featured Main Dish Russian Video

Beef Stroganoff

Beef Stroganoff


Beef Stroganoff

Beef Stroganoff

Creamy and tasty Russian recipe.
Prep Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Russian
Servings 6 people


  • Olive oil. (For marinade and sauteing onions)
  • 1 clove garlic. (I used this time olive oil garlic flavored) (*).
  • 2 big onions.
  • 2 big shallots.
  • 1 tbsp butter.
  • 200 grams mushrooms. (7.05 oz) (Or at your choice).
  • 1 tbsp plain flour. (Or any thickener you prefer).
  • ½ cup Beef broth.
  • 1.2 kg Beef. (43.32) (Rib eye is a good choice).
  • 200 cl double cream.
  • 1 teaspoon mustard.
  • 1 bunch Dill. (Chopped).
  • 1 tbsp sweet paprika.
  • Salt.
  • ½ cup olive oil.
  • 100 cl white wine. (Sauvignon blanc).


  • Cut the mushrooms into slices.
    200 grams mushrooms.
    Cut Mushrooms
  • Cut the onions and shallots into medium pieces.
    2 big onions., 2 big shallots.
    Cut Onions
  • Cut the meat into thin strips about 5 centimeters long. (It's also a good idea to cut the steaks a little thick and mash them to make them thinner and more tender if the meat is not very tender).
    1.2 kg Beef.
    Cut Beef
  • Marinate the meat strips in a bowl with salt, sweet paprika and olive oil for 30 minutes. You can add garlic powder too.
    1 tbsp sweet paprika., Salt., ½ cup olive oil.
    Beef Marinade
  • Sauté the onions and shallots until they begin to turn transparent and add the garlic.
    Cook Onions And Shallots
  • Add the meat and cook until it is half cooked.
    Add Beef
  • Add the wine, a piece of butter and the mushrooms.
    100 cl white wine., 1 tbsp butter.
    Add Wine
  • When cooking is complete and the alcohol in the wine has completely evaporated, add the cream and a thickener dissolved in the meat broth.
    (I like very creamy but is not necessary too much).
    200 cl double cream., 1 tbsp plain flour.
    Add Cream
  • Add a teaspoon of mustard and finish cooking.
    1 teaspoon mustard.
    Add Mustard
  • Serve with white rice and sprinkle some dill.
  • Enjoy!
    Beef Stroganoff



(*) Flavored oilive oil recipe: https://everythingtotaste.com/flavored-olive-oil/
*Beef can be replaced by chicken and it will be great too.
Keyword beef, cream, dill, meat, mushrooms, onion, rice, shallots, stroganoff, wine

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