
Iberic Ham

Characteristic Serrano Ham Iberian Ham (Cebo) Iberian Ham (Acorn-fed, Bellota)
Pig Breed White pig (non-Iberian) Iberian pig (50%, 75%, or 100% pure) 100% Iberian or high purity
Feed Feeds, cereals, leftovers Feeds, cereals, legumes Acorns, grasses, herbs from the dehesa
Curing 12-18 months 24 months or more 36 months or more
Label Green White Black or Red
Flavor and Texture Less intense, drier Moderate flavor, less juicy Intense, juicy, with infiltrated fat
Lean Color Pale red Darker red Dark red with nuances
Fat White, less infiltrated White, moderately infiltrated White, highly infiltrated
Price More affordable Intermediate More expensive
Rearing Conditions Farms Farms, with less freedom Dehesas, with considerable freedom
Aroma Less complex Moderately complex Very complex, with acorn notes
Designation Not always with PDO/PGI May have PDO/PGI Generally with PDO/PGI


  • PDO/PGI: Protected Designation of Origin/Protected Geographical Indication, which are quality certifications ensuring the product has been produced in a specific region following traditional methods.
  • Acorn-fed Iberian ham, also known as Iberian ham de bellota, is considered the most exquisite due to its acorn-based diet that results in high-quality fat.
  • The red label on Iberian ham indicates a crossbred Iberian pig, while the black label signifies a 100% purebred Iberian pig.