Quick and easy ideas and tips to improve your meals and make it easy.
Baked chicken 

Prepare a dressing sauce and approximately every 10 minutes paint the skin of the chicken with a brush while it is baking.
I give two options but could be great if you try different ones (Just mix all ingredients at your taste):

  • Butter, honey and sweet paprika. (Best recommendation: Spanish Pimentón de la Vera)
  • Lemon, honey and sweet paprika. (Best recommendation: Spanish Pimentón de la Vera)

Another very nice option is stuff the chicken, between the meat and the skin, with butter. This butter can be flavored with any herb of your choice.
(This is not actually the lightest option but it is delicious).
Baked Chicken

Flavored Oil 

A scented or flavored oil adds a special touch to any meal.
You can use any herb that you like, dill, basil, garlic, etc.
Try it and you will notice the difference.
Here is an example of what I use.

Flavored olive oil

Easy Spinach Sauce.
  • Boil spinach 1 minute.
  • In a blender put the spinach, chicken or vegetable broth, butter and cream. Season and process everything until the desired texture is achieved.
  • Use a thickener if necessary
  • Voila!

Asparagus puree. Very easy and fast.
  • Boil the asparagus in vegetable broth with a few cardamom seeds until they are soft enough.
  • Drain to remove excess water
  • Add butter and half a clove of garlic.
  • Blend everything until you achieve the desired texture.
  • It is better to blend them for several minutes with a very fast blender since the asparagus has many threads
  • Voila!

Asparagus Puree

Leave the limes out of the fridge.


Leaving the limes out of the fridge will allow them to extract more juice than if they were very cold.

Eggs cooking time.


Soft Cheesecake Base

When preparing the classic no-oven cheesecake base with ground cookies and butter, use spreadable butter, not regular butter.
Why spreadable butter? Because being spreadable it is softer. That way you can keep the cake very cold and it will be much easier to cut and eat the base.

No more tears when cutting onions.

Put a fan in front of the onion and that’s it. Let others cry, but not you.

No more tears when cutting onions.

How to calm spiciness sensation.

The spicy sensation that some foods produce, for example chili, is due to the fact that these foods contain capsisin, which is the molecule responsible for the spicy flavor.
The best option to soothe the burning sensation caused by capsaicin is to drink milk or dairy products. This is because these products contain casein, which neutralizes capsaicin. Additionally, capsaicin is fat-soluble, meaning it dissolves better in fats, and dairy products have a fat content that aids in this process.
