Featured Homemade Italian Main Dish Video




See links to complementary recipes in the notes.


  • Crepes. (Approx 15). (See recipe).
  • 2 liters bechamel sauce. (See recipe).
  • 500 gr ricotta cheese. (See recipe).
  • ½ liter tomato sauce of your choice.
  • 300 gr spinach.
  • 1 large onion. (Brunoise).
  • 200 gr smoked bacon.
  • 150 gr parmesan cheese.
  • Butter.
  • Salt.
  • Black pepper.


  • Cut the onion brunoise and the bacon into small pieces.
    Cut onions
  • Sauté the bacon until well sealed.
    Saute Bacon
  • Add the onion until golden.
    Cook Bacon and onion
  • Add the spinach and cook for about 1 minute.
    Add spinach
  • Let cool and mix with the ricotta.
    Mix ricotta
  • Roll up the crepes with the ricotta mix.
    Roll cannelloni
  • In a baking dish put a little béchamel base.
    Bechamel bed
  • Put the cannelloni next to each other and cover with the rest of the béchamel.
    Cannelloni next to each other
  • Add a little tomato sauce on top of each one.
    Add tomato sauce
  • Cover with very finely grated Parmesan cheese to gratin.
    Add parmesan
  • Bake at 180°c for 10 or 15 minutes and then oven very high (Approx 220°c) until the cheese is gratin for a few more minutes.
    Oven cannelloni
  • Enjoy!



As all the ingredients are already pre-cooked, the cannelloni are only baked until the cheese is gratin.

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