Appetizer Featured Fish Italian Starter Video

Prawns Carpaccio


Prawns Carpaccio

Thin and raw prawns with a nice vinaigrette.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Course Appetizer, Starter
Cuisine Italian
Servings 1 people


  • Cooking paper.
  • 1 brush.


  • 150 grams prawns.
  • 10 pistachios.
  • 1 bunch watercress.
  • 3 cherry tomatoes.
  • ½ small red onion.
  • Olive oil.
  • ½ grapefruit juice.
  • ½ lime juice.
  • Honey.
  • Salt.


  • Vinaigrette: Mix grapefruit juice, honey and olive oil. A flavored or perfumed oil can be used.
    Olive oil., ½ grapefruit juice., Honey.
    Carpaccio Vinaigrette
  • Prepare a small salad with watercress and/or any leaf of your choice and cherry tomatoes cut into small pieces.
    1 bunch watercress., 3 cherry tomatoes.
    Carpaccio salad
  • Season it with a little lime juice, salt and olive oil.
    ½ lime juice., Olive oil.
    Carpaccio salad
  • Cut half a small red onion into very fine julienne.
    ½ small red onion.
    Carpaccio onion
  • Peel pistachios and chop them finely.
    10 pistachios.
  • Remove the intestines from the prawns and wash them.
    150 grams prawns.
  • Cut them in half lengthwise.
    Cut prawns
  • Oil cooking paper to prevent the prawns from sticking.
    Oil baking paper
  • Arrange them on the paper in the shape of the plate. Calculate that the diameter will grow more than 50%.
    Place the prawns on the paper
  • Put another oiled cooking paper over the prawns and stretch them both neatly.
    Oil top baking paper
  • With a saucepan approximately the size of the plate, hit them to stretch them until they are as thin as possible.
    Hit with a sauce pan
  • Mark the prawns with the plate upside down by pressing on the prawns and then cut them neatly to the shape and size of the plate. Leave approximately one centimeter of the plate without prawns.
    Press with a plate
  • Take the prawns to the freezer for half an hour on a table so that they are straight. This is done so that later the paper can be removed without sticking. Being very thin, these prawns will defrost in minutes.
    Cut the prawns
  • After half an hour remove the prawns from the freezer.
  • With a brush, oil the plate where the carpaccio is going to be assembled. In this way we not only season the prawns but also prevent them from sticking to the plate, which would be uncomfortable when eating.
    Oil the plate
  • Remove the top paper from the prawns and place them face down on the centered plate.
    Remove top paper
  • Very carefully remove the top paper again and center them on the plate.
    Remove the paper
  • With the brush now paint the prawns. The amount of vinaigrette to use is to taste.
    Paint the carpaccio
  • Basically it's ready. Now we can decorate and add small details.
    Carpaccio no decoration
  • Decorate with the onion (You can also add it directly to the salad) and the pistachios (These will also give some crunchy texture).
    It can also be very nice to use some edible flowers for decoration.
    ½ small red onion., 10 pistachios.
    Decorate the carpaccio
  • Add a small amount of salad in the center of the plate.
    Place the salad
  • Enjoy!



I do not use salt because the prawns are already somewhat salty. If you prefer you can also finish with a pinch of Fleur De Sel.
Keyword carpaccio, fish, king prawns, vinaigrette

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