Finger food Main Dish Video

Barbeque Chicken Wings

Barbeque Chicken Wings


Barbeque Chicken Wings

Barbeque Chicken Wings

Super tasty finger food.
Course finger food, Main Course


  • Chicken wings.
  • Barbeque sauce.
  • Butter.
  • Chieves.
  • Oil.


  • Fry the chicken wings at 200°c until golden brown.
    Barbeque Chicken Wings
  • Remove them and remove excess oil with kitchen paper.
    Barbeque Chicken Wings
  • Melt a little butter in a frying pan and add barbeque sauce to taste.
    Barbeque Chicken Wings
  • Add the wings and cook over very low heat for a few minutes until the sauce thickens. (*)
    Barbeque Chicken Wings
  • Optionally add a little garlic powder to taste.
    Barbeque Chicken Wings
  • Enjoy!
    Barbeque Chicken Wings



  • (*) Smell it. When you smell the less acidic sauce, it is ready.
    This is due to the ketchup contained in the barbecue sauce.
    You will obtain a more intense, sweeter and less acidic flavor.
  • Barbeque sauce is very salted, so usually you will no need to add more salt.

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