Soup Video

Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup
Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup

Super creamy and tasty


  • Chicken breasts.
  • Carrot.
  • Celery.
  • Onion.
  • Leek.
  • Garlic powder.
  • Coriander powder.
  • Olive oil.
  • Chicken soup. (Homemade or cubes).
  • Cream.


  • Cut the vegetables into small pieces.
    Cut vegetables
  • Cut the chicken as small as possible.
    Cut Chicken
  • Marinate the chicken with the seasonings, salt, and olive oil for at least an hour.
    Marinade chicken
  • Sauté the vegetables for a few minutes.
    Saute vegetables
  • When they are soft, add the chicken and cook over low heat so that the chicken does not brown and crust on the outside.
    Saute chicken
  • Cook over low heat until the vegetables release all their juices, remembering that the chicken does not brown, and add the broth.(*)
    Add broth
  • Cook over medium heat for at least half an hour.
    Cook Soup
  • Add the cream.
    Add cream
  • Blend everything with a hand blender for a few minutes.
    Blend soup
  • Enjoy!
    Chicken Soup



(*) The amount of broth to add depends on whether the soup is strained or not. If you strain it, the consistency will be more liquid, so add a little broth and if you don't strain it, the consistency will be more textured and will require more broth.
Strain soup
Strain soup

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