Sandwich Video

Rib Eye Schnitzel Sandwich

Rib Eye Schnitzel Sandwich
Rib Eye Schnitzel Sandwich

Rib Eye Schnitzel Sandwich

Schnitzel fried in clarified butter
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Course Main Course, sandwich
Cuisine N/A
Servings 2 people


  • 1 big Rie Eye.
  • 1 bunch rocket.
  • 1 tomato.
  • 4 eggs. (2 for the schnitzel, 2 for fry).
  • 1 big bread.
  • 1 cup flour.
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs.
  • Salt.
  • Black pepper.
  • 1 bunch parsley.
  • Brie cheese.
  • Mayoketchup sauce.
  • Sweet paprika.
  • ½ kg butter. (17.63oz) (Clarified)


  • Remove the fat and mash the rib eye with a kitchen hammer.
    1 big Rie Eye.
    Mash Rib Eye Schnitzel
  • Season the rocket with olive oil and reserve.
    1 bunch rocket.
    Rocket with oil
  • Dredge the rib eye through flour, egg (seasoned with salt, black pepper and sweet paprika) and breadcrumbs.
    1 big Rie Eye., 1 cup flour., 1 cup breadcrumbs., Salt., Black pepper., Sweet paprika., 4 eggs.
    Coat the schnitzel
  • Clarify butter and fry the schnitzel in it.
    ½ kg butter.
    Clarify the butter
  • Put mayoketchup or rosemary sauce on the bread.
    Mayoketchup sauce., 1 big bread.
  • Add the rocket and tomato to the schnitzel and cover it with the melted brie cheese.
    1 bunch rocket., 1 tomato., Brie cheese.
    Add Brie cheese
  • Lastly, fry two eggs in the same butter as the schnitzel and add them to the sandwich.
    4 eggs.
    Add fried eggs
  • Share and enjoy!
    Rib Eye Schnitzel Sandwich



Is a good idea to use flavored olive oil to seasonate the rocket. Here the recipe.
And is better to use homemade clarified butter. Here the recipe.
Everything in this sandwich is optional. You can use rocket, rucula, lettuce or nothing. You can use brie cheese or cheddar if you prefere. This is just that the way I like it.
Keyword bread, brie, butter, cheese, clarified, eggs, fried, mayoketchup, rocket, rosemary, sandwich, sauce, schnitzel, tomato

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