Welcome to Everything to Taste.

I hope you enjoy the site and find these recipes useful and easy to cook.
I like to cook with music. Especially The Beatles, it always inspires me.
I try to cook food from different countries, all of them are delicious, but I think Spanish and Italian food are my favorites… and Asian.
You will not find on this site always the original recipes with exact quantities and measurements because everyone has their own tastes.
Do you like meat well cooked or raw? Both are correct.
You don’t like paprika? Do not use it.
That’s why I write the recipes the way I like to cook them.
You can modify them as you like or make them your own.
Use these recipes as a basic guide or just as an idea.
Play with food and condiments. Change the quantities and their ingredients as you like.
That way you will have your own way of cooking, have much more fun and find the way you like to eat.

You can follow me on Instagram or Youtube.
For comments or suggestions you also can use the Contact Form on this site.
Enjoy the site!

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